다운증후군의 표현형 및 핵형의 불일치를 보인 일란성 쌍생아: 47,XX,+21/46,XX 섞임증과 46,XX

다운증후군의 표현형 및 핵형의 불일치를 보인 일란성 쌍생아: 47,XX,+21/46,XX 섞임증과 46,XX

Monozygotic twin discordant for Down syndrome: mos 47,XX,+21/46,XX and 46,XX

Release Date : 2013. 10. 18(금)
Sun Ah Choi¹, Jung Min Ko¹, Choong Ho Shin¹, Sei Won Yang¹, Jin Sun Choi², Sun Kyung Oh²
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital¹, Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Population Medical Research Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea²
최선아¹, 고정민¹, 신충호¹, 양세원¹, 최진선², 오선경²
서울대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과¹, 서울대학교 의과대학 인구의학연구소²


Purpose: Monozygotic twins, developed from a single zygote, are almost identical in clinical phenotype and concordant karyotypes. Monozygotic twins with discordant karyotypes are thought to be quite rare. Here, we report monochorionic-diamniotic twins discordant for Down syndrome. Case: On findings of prenatal ultrasonography, nuchal translucency thickness was different between twins and suggested that one of the twins was at high risk for having chromosomal abnormalities including Down syndrome. The twins were monochorionic-diammniotic; therefore, chorionic villi sampling of the common placenta was performed. The karyotype of the chorionic villi cells was 46,XX, and pregnancy was maintained. After delivery, dysmorphic clinical features suggesting Down syndrome were found in one of the twins, while the other twin showed a morphologically normal appearance. Karyotypes of peripheral blood leukocytes were repeatedly normal in the dysmorphic twin; however, the karyotype of skin fibroblasts from the dysmorphic twin indicated Down syndrome mosaicism; 47,XX,+21[99]/46,XX[2]. The karyotype of skin fibroblasts from the morphologically normal twin was 46,XX. Monozygosity of the twins was confirmed by a short tandem repeat analysis using 16 polymorphic markers. A mitotic nondisjunction followed by the twinning would explain the discordant karyotypes between monozygotic twins. Conclusion: This is a report of a rare case of monozygotic twins of whom one twin is affected by Down syndrome mosaicism, whereas the other twin is unaffected.

Keywords: Down syndrome, Mosaicism, Monozygotic twin